Photographer's Freedom

Beginner – Better – Business

Nature Photography During Lock-down


Have you been wondering how you can continue with your Nature Photography during lock-down? This post was written by my 12 year-old daughter Laiken, as part of her home-schooling during COVID-19. Some great ideas for you that I will be doing YouTube videos about over the coming weeks.

Nature Photography During Lock-Down

If you are reading this you are probably in self-isolation due to the Coronavirus. No need to worry, you can still continue as a nature photographer. Using items around your house that come from nature.

Below I have listed some of the nature-related items that you might have around your house:


nature photography during lock-down, various sliced fruits on a white table


nature photography during lock-down water falling from a bamboo water feature

Plants/ leaves/soil

three potted cactuses an idea for nature photography while in lock-down


a dog close up looking at the camera - an idea for nature photography during lock-down


nature photography during lock-down, a close up of sand


nature photography during lock-down, shells on a table


blades of grass with the sun in the background


wood texture is great for nature photography during lock-down


Bugs inside the house

Make It Look Like Nature Photography

When you are taking a photo of one of these objects.  By using a photo, calendar or even Photoshop behind the item, it makes them look like you’ve taken the photo outdoors.

If you don’t have plants, you can use textures around your house like a painting or wall. Make sure that it looks real. Also get creative with this and the result will be outstanding!

After you have taken and edited the photos make sure you post them to social media to make others feel good in this dreadful time.

Sincerely Laiken Callister.

Thanks to The Author

Many thanks to you Laiken for writing this blog post about Nature Photography during isolation for COVID-19. You did a great job and I’m so proud of you.

As I mentioned in the first paragraph, I am doing some YouTube videos about this in the coming weeks, so please subscribe to my YouTube channel so you don’t miss those.

Before you go, please leave a comment, as it will make my daughter’s day to know that people are reading her work. Thank you.

5 thoughts on “Nature Photography During Lock-down

  1. Hey Laiken! This is a very creative way to carry on with your photography whilst in lockdown! In fact I took a photography of a ladybird yesterday that landed on my table whilst I was working ?? I’ll post it to the group!

    Keep up the great work!

  2. So proud of you Laiken Such a good blog – what a clever girl you are
    Granny xx

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