Photographer's Freedom

Beginner – Better – Business

Nature Photography During Lockdown 2 Continued

Nature Photography During Lockdown 2 Continued

Nature Photography During Lockdown 2 continued is where I edit the image I took in Part 1. I used a number of pot plants to give a “forest-like” look to a photo taken in my lounge room. I also made use of a canvas print of mine in the background to give some extra depth and colour. nature photography during lockdown part 2 continued youtube video thumbnail image

Nature Photography During Lockdown – Nature Photography Ideas at Home explores the challenges of doing nature photography without leaving your house. COVID-19 has a lot of us in lockdown, unable to leave our homes for long lengths of time, or even at all! So how do we as Nature Photographers continue to take the Nature Photography that we love so much?

We are Nature Photographers right? This means that we love nature. This also probably means that we have brought some nature into our homes. The most obvious way we do this is buy getting pot plants.

In the first episode of Nature Photography During Lockdown, I photographed pot plants and made it look as if the photos were taken in nature.

This episode finds us in Adobe Photoshop editing one of the images. The techniques covered in this video are:

  • how to use the color blend mode
  • how to use the smudge tool
  • how to select with the lasso tool
  • how to use select and mask to feather a selection
  • how to use the healing brush tool
  • how to add a vignette using curves adjustment layers

Thank you for watching this video today. I hope you got something out of it.  Why not watch the other videos in the series?

If you are interested in seeing more of my photography, please go to

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